Monday, December 1, 2014

Why Mental Health is a Major Theme in My Life

Image by Piper Macenzie via A Canvas of the Minds

“I pledge my commitment to the Blog for Mental Health 2014 Project. I will blog about mental health topics not only for myself, but for others. By displaying this badge, I show my pride, dedication, and acceptance for mental health. I use this to promote mental health education in the struggle to erase stigma.” -Tallulah "Lulu" Sparks 
I found Blog for Mental Health 2014 Project while I was googling for mental health blogs, and thought it's a great way to bring up mental health awareness in an online setting. I want to share stories of two important people in my life inspired me to take the mental health route in my career, and my own experience pushed me to be active in the mental health movement.

When I was around middle school, I never paid attention to my older sister Michelle. I tuned out  to her whenever she talks and look elsewhere to focus on as my sister rambles. One day while we were both home alone, I saw my sister Michelle holding a kitchen knife near the sink . I thought she was going to cut some vegetables or fruit until I noticed she was positioning the knife towards her forearm. I have to stop her from cutting herself.

We both got into a huge argument. I yelled at her to put the knife down. She yelled back at me to let her be. Eventually, Michelle ended up putting the knife down and calmed down. We both never told our parents what happened when they came back home. Even though it ended, I was confused about my sister's behavior. Why would Michelle want to hurt herself? What would made her get to that point?

As I grew older, I found out that Michelle was bullied at her school by a couple of classmates. I thought she would have gone to our parents for help. Apparently, they weren't supportive of her and always complain about her moodiness. Plus, I never lent an ear to listen when she needed it.  All of that built up to her depression and led her to thoughts of self-harm and suicide, which she was about to do that day. I regret not being able to do more for my older sister when we were younger. I wish I was not caught up in my own little world as she was suffering from the sadness and loneliness she felt.

Later in college, I found out that my friend Sam was suffering from depression. All this time that I hung out with him, he was masking his depression and anger with silly antics. It hurts to know that that he did all of those things to bottle up all the negativity inside him. I told him to trust me and vent out to me when he needs to. Even though he was reluctant to share everything, I helped provide him with whatever he needed while he heals. Even til this day, I still worry about him. I don't know how he's progressing since he would rather hide his feelings, but I will be around when he needs help.

In my senior year of college, things took a sour turn for me: rejection, friend-losing, backstabbing, crazymaking, degradation, and humiliation. My anxiety worsened and I began to fell into depression from all of these elements. I isolated myself from the majority of people because I didn't know who to trust. I limited myself from all of the things I used to love. I couldn't sleep at night and stayed in bed through the day hoping never to get out.

I didn't remember what motivated me to get out of bed and seek help, but I did. I confide in  the very people I worried about, both Michelle and Sam. I go to the counseling center in my university. I made Novaturient Me to express myself and heal. All of these things may not get me better in one day, but they're all steps towards helping me become ever-changing novaturient me.

All of these stories all sum up to one important lesson for me: mental health is a very important part of our lives. It may be invisible and not as notable our physical well-being, but the effects it has on all of us great. Mental disturbances and disorders can affect anyone, even those you love and you yourself. But does it mean we should sweep these problems under the rug and hope things get better that way? No.

Promoting mental health and bringing awareness about its importance can help us fight the stigma present in our society. We can do little to huge ways to promote mental health. Support a friend or family who may be suffering. Talk about it. Volunteer. Be a part of organization. Anything to help those with mental health problems to get them back to their feet in a positive way.

As I continue to be exposed to the theme of mental health in my life, the more I become passionate about it. (Whether it's from personal experience or from education.) I've done multiple papers about mental health for my social work classes, specifically about issues and stigma. I read and watched stories about people and mental health. I've been researching mental health organizations I can be a part of. I'm about to take on an internship in my local behavior health center next January. My involvement in the mental health field is all thanks to these two important people.

Thank you, Michelle and Sam. To know that you two are still living and persevering to make better lives for yourselves is amazing. Thank you everybody for reading my story, and I hope you gain awareness about the importance of mental health.

The Things I Loved are Now Things I Want to Avoid

I wish that the things that are meant to be good for end up making me feel inadequate. I feel left out of activities that are supposed to make me happy. I decide to take my time away from studies and start typing.

Note: Names italicized are fake names to protect the identity of the person.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Take Me Seriously!

Photo credit: gumuz / Foter / CC BY
I want to be taken seriously. I expect to be treated as an equal and someone who should treated with dignity and respect like everybody else. I wish that people see me as a mature and responsible adult when I came to college. But after a couple of bumpy roads along the way, my expectation was ruined.

Note: Names italicized are fake names to protect the identity of the person.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

4 Things I Noticed from My Counselor

Ever since October, I have been going to the counselor once a week to talk to her. Because I have trouble scheduling an appointment available, I'm unable to go to her starting from this week until the beginning of December. Since I won't be going to counseling for 2-3 weeks, I will dedicate this post to mention the positive things about my counselor and the impact she made 2 months since I started going to her sessions.

Friday, November 14, 2014

An Open Letter to High-School Me

Note: The following is an open letter to teenage me. I hope that this letter helps me come in terms with my teenage years and appreciate myself. I will be doing more of open letters to not only me but other people too.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Writing my Insecurities on Sticky Notes

 photo worried-girl-413690_640_zpsa9ba57f9.jpg

Image by Ryan McGuire via Pixabay

Today after my roommate left for a meeting, I decided to log on to Facebook to message a few people about an upcoming event this weekend. When I got the front page, I ended up scrolling down my newsfeed. I regret it. I felt inadequate and lonely after seeing pictures of my "friends" smiling and laughing with their best friends and here I was, staring at something I don't have because of my own fears and insecurities. It doesn't help that the holidays are coming and I barely have anything to look forward to when I come back to my hometown.

When I was on the verge of crying, I have to express my thoughts out. I wanted to see where my mind takes me. Then, I started writing. (Note: I do not recommend this for everybody.)

Friday, November 7, 2014

My ACCEPTS Distraction Plan

Image by Daniel Nanescu via Splitshire

Hi, guys. I want to share with you a therapeutic technique that I use to help me cope with all of the stress and depression. A few days ago, my counselor introduced me to the ACCEPTS distraction plan to help me cope with negativity and stress. It's made to help people get away from the negative thoughts by actively using strategies to deal with them.  In case you're wondering what ACCEPTS stands for, it's for:

Contributing to others
Compare to others/worse times
Pushing negativity away

ACCEPTS is a very flexible technique so you can customize your plan anyway you want. I included my own strategies to distract myself, but you don't have to exactly follow my plan. There's no need to force yourself to watch penguin videos to distract yourself although they are adorable.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

My Halloween Weekend

It's Sunday, everybody! This Halloween weekend was an eventful, but I manage to have a lot of fun. I didn't get a chance to take a lot of photos, but I can still tell you some details.

Friday, October 31

For Halloween, I went as the runaway bride. Since I didn't want to spend too much on a costume, I thought dressing up as this kind of bride is a nifty idea. Plus, it gives me an excuse to wear a little tiara with a veil. As much as I hate wearing pink make-up and wearing tennis shoes when I'm not working out, I look great on my big day ... to run away. After I dollied up for the occasion, I get to join my roommates in a haunted trail.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Thoughts While Designing the Layout

After tinkering with Blogspot's Template Designer and adding CSS script codes, I can say that I'm done with the layout for Novaturient Me.

The whole designing process itself is soothing this whole weekend. I got fully immersed in designing. I worked on it during my free time in Starbucks in the daytime and during my study dates after I finished my work. While I was editing and testing out technicalities, I lost track of time and stayed up very late as a result. But I was happy during the whole time, and I am still happy looking at my newly-applied layout on my blog.

Before thinking, I've wrestled with some creative liberties for the layout. After putting thought into what stuff I needed to include for my header image. Components of the layout included:

1. The rabbit

For the header, I wanted to find an animal that represents me as a person. I wasn't sure about using bunnies since I overused them for my old usernames AND an old website of mine. But after looking at my army of stuffed animals on my shelf, I see these long-eared critters toppling over the rest of my stuffed animals. It made me realize these rascals are very important part of me and been with me for years. Since bunnies are an important part of my life, I'll do a post about my thoughts about these adorable rodents soon.
Runner-ups: a penguin and a sparrow

2. The compass rose

I always like compass roses. They're aesthetically-pleasing and make great tattoos if done well. But I also like the meaning behind them. It represents me exploring and looking for my path. When I am lost, I will always find a way.
Runner-ups: mandala circle and something lacy

3. The whimsical paisley-like petals

I recently got obsessed with any hippie-patterned stuff, which includes paisley. When I stumbled into this clipart, I wanted to incorporate it in my header. Originally, the petals came with a swirl design but I edited it out. Since the petals look like they are blowing in the wind, it gives out a relaxed look. To me, the petals are telling me to go with the flow and let go of any negativity inside me.
Runner-ups: scribbles and swirls

4. Light blue color

This is the color of the throat chakra vishuddha, which deals with communication and creativity. Those who have a under-balanced throat chakra will have trouble expressing themselves and not speaking up. I will metaphorically balance out this chakra by using this color for the layout and of course, expressing myself here.
Runner-ups: green

I put in all of these little things to make everything a whole, cohesive concept of me. A bunny. compass rose, petals, and light blue all represent me as a person and the Novaturient Me blog. I did not design just a layout. I designed a visible path, a public gateway for you and me to watch me grow.

Friday, October 24, 2014


Hi everybody,

I'm Lisa and welcome to Novaturient Me. The blog is a work-in-progress right now, but I hope that it will unleash it's true form pretty soon.

I started a blog a year ago called Dorky Riot to type my streaming thoughts and ways I can foster individuality and positivity. But recently this year, I've bumped into mishaps and misfortunes along the way. I've reached dead ends, and got the point where I want to quit everything and shut myself off the world.

In order to chronicle my journey, I decided to create Novaturient Me to help me recover from all the past negativity from 2014 and continue to grow as an individual. I will post progresses towards bettering myself through self-love and care, reflections about life, and tips on how to care for your own self.

If you have been to Dorky Riot before and read a few blogposts, you're wondering if Novaturient Me will be like Dorky Riot. Let me tell you this:
  • Yes, I will still use my sailor mouth for this blog. I may have tamed my inner sailor, but it doesn't mean it will be gone forever. I'll just use my foul language whenever appropriate.
  •  No, I won't be adding funny stories. As much as I treasure the laughs and the awkwardness behind the stories, Novaturient Me is more focused towards reflective, introspective stories. There still will be some humor. Just more thought-provoking stuff.
Life may have whooped my ass in the majority of 2014, but I won't let it fully bring me down for the rest of it. Thank you for reading and wish me luck on my journey.